what is
the gi bill?
Under President Franklin’s administration, the GI Bill was passed on June 22nd, 1944. This bill revolutionized a veteran’s transition process coming out of World War II, and still has positive implications to this day. If you are a military service member, make sure you take full advantage of everything the GI Bill has to offer. For more information, you can also speak directly to one of our Resource Specialists.
What Does “GI” Stand For?
“GI Joe” is a household name. Originally, GI stood for “Galvanized Iron”, the primary material used to make military items, i.e., buckets. However, as the military grew and evolved over time, GI took on multiple meanings, including “Government Issue”, “General Issue”, and even “Ground Infantry”. With all that said, the title “GI Bill” seemed only fitting.
What Does The GI Bill Cover?
The aftermath of 9/11 warranted additional to the original GI Bill. Today’s GI Bill features a plethora of benefits designed to honor our service members and veterans for their service, and to ease their transition back into civilian life. The GI Bill can also be used by your beneficiaries, namely children aged 18-33, and spouses to cover the following:
Tuition & Supplies
Home Loan Guarantees
Monthly Housing Allowance
Career Training
How Does The GI Bill Work?
If you were honorably discharged from the military after 2013, there is no time limit to use your GI Bill. You can activate or pause your benefits at any time, but keep in mind those who are eligible to receive 100% of available funds are allocated 36 months-worth of benefits.
For example: If you decide to enroll in a full-time college program for 4 months, you can allocate 4 months-worth of your Bill to cover tuition and other expenses, then “freeze” your benefits until a later date of your choosing.
When it comes to education, GI Bill benefits are distributed based on your attempted credit load. This means you will get almost twice as much coverage to pay for a full-time program than you would for a part-time program. However, since your GI Bill is paid directly to you and not to your school’s financial office, you are freely eligible to apply for additional grants and bursaries offered through your institution.
How Much Does The GI Bill Cover?
Subject to increase annually to cover the cost of inflation, here are the 2019-2020 rates for service members and veterans enlisted for 3 years or more:


*Data provided by MilitaryBenefits.info
How to Apply For GI Bill Benefits
If you are a military service member or veteran, you must apply for your GI Bill before you can reap any benefits. Fill out the online form, or visit your local VA regional office for in-person assistance. If you need additional assistance, you can also enroll with Zero8hundred to speak to one of our trained Resource Specialists.
For more information please visit: https://www.va.gov/education/about-gi-bill-benefits/